A healthy way of doing this to ourselves or to others is by asking questions that are hard to answer.  The purpose of it is to provoke one’s thought process. It creates an exciting and stimulating atmosphere. Even if the questions lead to heated debates, we do become smarter by giving our brain some work and perhaps, even realizing our inherent ability to solve problems. So, keeping that as an aim, here I wrote a list of questions that make no sense. Some questions make you feel awkward, embarrassing and some make questions make you think, wonder, and take you on a deep journey. Some people may find these questions funny and nonsensical. But at the same time, they can make perfect sense to others. Since they’re both exercises in creativity and serve to provoke the imagination. Continue reading the following list of questions that don’t make sense and lose yourself in your imaginary worlds: Related Resources: 150+ Deep Philosophical Questions that make you think.

Questions that make no sense

List of questions that make no sense and may also make a lot of sense if you put work into your mind. 

  1. How can everything come from nothing when nothing is something that has nothing to do with anything?
  2. Is everything nothing or nothing is everything?
  3. Why nothing is nothing and everything is everything?
  4. What if nothing is anything and everything is not everything?
  5. How can I see you and everything but not myself and nothing?
  6. If a cat mates with an ant, Does the offspring comes out as a human?
  7. If I cannot see myself, is that mean I do not exist?
  8. If we do not feel pain, do we live forever?
  9. If we are all humans, then where are all the humans?
  10. If you are you and I am me, then why are you not me and me not you?
  11. Why can’t I fall asleep, when I am not sleeping?
  12. Can you stop something when nothing is moving? Also read: 500+ Stupid questions on different topics to ask (Funny, tricky, dumb, deep, random)
  13. What will you do when you do nothing?
  14. If no one exists except you, then how do you know that no one exists but just you?
  15. Do you live or die when you live and die?
  16. When do horses sneeze and you laugh for no reason?
  17. If I insert nothing into my mouth, how long will it take to come out of my body?
  18. Why am I so mad and asking all the questions that make no sense and makes sense to those only who have common sense?
  19. What kind of names does each animal calls to itself?
  20. Why can’t I disappear when I am visible to you? Recommended read: 350+ Deep questions about love that make you think

Confusing questions that make no sense

List of confusing questions that make no sense.

  1. When I am alone why can’t I see everyone?
  2. When you lose something, do you know where you lost it without knowing that you lost it forever?
  3. How can mirrors be real, if our eyes are not real?
  4. Why is my girlfriend mad at me, even though when she said nothing’s wrong?
  5. Am I such god that everyone is praying for?
  6. If the dog understands my true feelings, then why can’t I marry the dog which cares for me instead of committing to a woman who doesn’t even aware of herself? Also read: 100 Trippy questions to ask your high friend
  7. If I could be a man; a woman; an animal; and a god, then why do I choose to be a nobody?
  8. If silence makes a sound, what noise will it be perceived by itself?
  9. If we do not understand each other, then what are we trying to communicate in a language that we understand?
  10. When does everything makes sense, nothing seems to be confusing, and something becomes a sure thing?
  11. If the water is filled by half in a glass, will it be half-filled or half-emptied or water in a glass or some ml of water, or some quantity of water filled in the glass or what and whatsoever?
  12. What language does music make?
  13. What kind of animal becomes a human and what kind of human does not become an animal?
  14. Can you live without living and dying? Recommended read: 150+ Deep philosophical questions one must read to make his/her mind powerful

Funny questions that make no sense

List of funny questions that make no sense at all. If you think deep they may also make a lot of sense too.

  1. Why am I a woman when I am not a man? (vice versa)
  2. If my face has a meaning why doesn’t it make no sense?
  3. Is a square a circle that has no round surface?
  4. Why do fish don’t get cold even after living their entire life in water?
  5. If animals do not wear clothes, Is it mean they are much more open-minded than humans, so does it mean they have much more intelligence than humans?
  6. If you do not die, will you live forever? Also read: 50 Dumb questions to ask people (stupid & weirdest)
  7. How can “makes sense” make sense and “nonsense” make no sense?
  8. Why I do not laugh When I do not want to laugh?
  9. Can two men make a woman?
  10. When will you stop eating so that you can stop living?
  11. If I start walking today without taking any rest, where do I end up walking?
  12. How to travel everywhere physically by staying in the same place?
  13. Is my mind f*cked up or my life?
  14. How can I stop making so much sense?
  15. Can I turn back and still turn on my front? 

Unanswerable questions that make no sense

Here is the list of unanswerable questions that make no sense but somehow make you think and realize that these questions also make sense. These are some questions that are hard to answer.

  1. If Big Bang happened 14 billion years ago, then when did Small Bang happen?
  2. How can Big Bang be called Big Bang without discovering how big the cosmos actually is? What if the Big Bang is a Large Bang or Huge Bang or Mega Bang?
  3. Why did Big Bang call as Big Bang but not Bang Bang or any other * Bang?
  4. If Banging requires another source to make Bang happen, then with whom or what Big Bang had banged?
  5. Did Big Bang being Banged by some other Bang or did It Bang the other Bang or did It just Bang by itself, If so how does such a bang comes into existence and why?
  6. What would have happened if you had not been born to your parents? Also read: 250+ Unanswerable Questions (world’s most mysterious, unanswered and impossible questions)
  7. If the universe has no obligation to make sense to anyone, then what is that making sense to us now?
  8. Why can’t a baby not be a baby anymore after a few years he/she was born?
  9. If everything changes every second then who were you a moment ago and who are you at this very moment and what relationship does your former self has with you in your constant change? 
  10. Where is everyone? 
  11. Why didn’t we both meet yet?
  12. If being dead is great, is getting dead the problem?
  13. Do people survive death, when they are not in consciousness?
  14. How will you come to know that you will be reborn after your death while you are living?
  15. Is it makes sense that the things we can’t see are more real than the things we see are an illusion?

Random questions that don’t make sense.

Random questions that make no sense. Continue reading the questions that make you think.

  1. Why does everyone have to taste the ultimate death, while they are already dying each day?
  2. Did I exist before I existed?
  3. Will I continue to exist in nothingness?
  4. How Am I different from everyone when I am as same as everyone else? (vice versa)
  5. Why does “Science” end with “ence”? Does it not make any sense?
  6. Why do I continue seeing everything even after closing my eyes?
  7. If I am breathing while sleeping, does it mean I will live after death?
  8. If I take your opinion to Starbucks and add $2.75, can I buy a cup of coffee?
  9. How can I be wrong, when I am not right? Also read: 1000+ Random Questions (The only list you need to ask for deep conversation)
  10. When I do not know what to believe in, is it a fair idea to lose it in everything that I do believe in?
  11. Why is it that you only have to be born to your parents but not to others?
  12. If I am right here, then why am I not where I want to be?
  13. What information is more superficial and how to prove anything as it is without labeling?
  14. What is what and what is what not?
  15. How to know what you do not know?

Weird questions that make no sense

Here is the list of weird questions that don’t make sense.

  1. If philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other great thinkers such as Charles Darwin, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, etc., plan a get-together party how will they communicate without any words?
  2. If the dead people know what happens to life after death, why aren’t they revealing anything to us?
  3. How real are these experiences?
  4. If what I heard is true, “Is that even atheists experience heaven?”
  5. How closer are we to the truth, When you do not what actually it is?
  6. How to be in sync with the god’s thoughts, even if he/she/it exists or not?
  7. If I am deaf, How do I know what I am speaking? Also read: 100 Questions no one asks ever(deep, funny & weird discussions about random things in life)
  8. How to remember when you do not have any memory?
  9. Does the brain make the mind?
  10. Are there extra dimensions to the vacuum?
  11. Why did our universe begin when the beginning is unknown?
  12. If religions don’t have hope, faith, and belief, will they not function without any referred states?
  13. Why Is the Quantum So strange that it almost looks like darkness?
  14. Does all reality consist of what things when all dreams consist of the same things?
  15. How does your heart related to your mind, when they do not even listen to each other?

Stupid questions that make no sense

Continue reading the stupid questions that make no sense.

  1. How to live only once in life?
  2. Can you close your eyes and have a beautiful dinner?
  3. Where do you find women who have brains? (Vice Versa)
  4. Why do plants grow into trees?
  5. Have I ever eaten my own teeth unconsciously?
  6. How to drink coffee while drinking a beer and poison?
  7. Why am I not living with anyone?
  8. If you are single will you be your own daddy?
  9. Why is my art not turning into a huge lively dinosaur?
  10. What will you do when you are doing something?
  11. If I stay on clouds will I be on cloud nine?
  12. What my girlfriend/boyfriend is thinking when he/she doesn’t have any brain?
  13. Why do ants and elephants have a conflict with each other while they are mating?
  14. Why do you walk, when you can fly?

Nonsense questions

Here is the list of nonsense questions that make you feel embarrassed and get you excited about the meaning behind what they were asked.

  1. When do women get penis#s and men get vagin#s?
  2. Why don’t all siblings marry each other and have babies together?
  3. How will you eat your favorite food with your anus and excrete it with your mouth?
  4. If you do s#x with your wife, will she become your angel or danger?
  5. How do you forgive those who didn’t do anything wrong?
  6. How to grow money from trees?
  7. If you jump from a 1000-story building without any supporting equipment, where do you want to land safely? Also read: 100+ Impossible questions (about life, world to ask your friends, family and answer yourself)
  8. Why don’t you look up to the sky and spit on your own face? (Ask this to your close friend just for fun)
  9. What would I do when I am left all alone with all the women on the earth?
  10. If there are two enemies, who is an enemy to whom?
  11. If birds have legs why don’t they always walk, are they stupid?
  12. Why am I messing with my head by thinking and writing these most nonsensical sensible questions? (It is hurting my brain man by thinking too deep)
  13. How to meet a person who never existed?
  14. What is the beginning of the end and how to end everything from the beginning? Related Questions: 370 Never Have I ever Questions that make your day extra fun. Best Intellectual questions you will ever read. Deep Questions to ask on the topics that blow your mind. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.